Jack and the Beanstalk
“Jack and the Beanstalk” In the past, there ware a mother and a young child who lived in a village. The young boy named Jack. Their lives were poor. Their property that there was only one cow, which over time has been reduced milk production. Realizing this, the mother was planning to sell their cattle, then the money would be used to buy grain. The plan, the wheat would be planted in a field near their home. The next day, Jack brought his cattle to market. On the way to the market, Jack met a grandfather. Grandfather admonished him, “Hi Jack, would you swap your herds with these magic beans?”. “What, swap pea with my cow?” Said Jack surprised. “Do not insult! This is the magic beans. If you plant it and let it overnight, then the next morning this bean will grow up to the sky,” said the old man explained. “Ok, I will see,” replied Jack. At home, Mother’s Jack was shocked and angry. “How stupid you are! How could we live only with a grain of beans? “I was so angry,” the ...